Given below figure shows the format of the PPP Frame: In the PPP protocol, the framing is done using the byte-oriented technique. In case if there is a corrupted frame then it is discarded silently.

There is a CRC field that detects the errors. The PPP protocol provides a very simple mechanism for error control. This protocol does not provide any mechanism for addressing in order to handle the frames in the multipoint configuration. Because when using this protocol the sender can send any number of frames to the receiver one after the other without even thinking about overwhelming the receiver. This protocol does not provide a flow control mechanism. Some services that are not offered by the PPP protocol are as follows: This protocol also provides connection over multiple links. This protocol provides multiple services of the network layer and also supports various network-layer protocols. The PPP protocol defines how the two devices can negotiate the establishment of the link and then can exchange the data. This protocol also defines how the data of the network layer are encapsulated in the data link frame. PPP protocol also defines the format of the frames that are to be exchanged between the devices. This protocol defines how two devices can authenticate with each other.

The Point-To-Point protocol mainly provides connections over multiple links. The PPP protocol is mainly used to establish a direct connection between two nodes. PPP(Point-To-Point) protocol is a protocol used in the data link layer. In this tutorial, we will be covering another protocol of the data link layer that is Point-To-Point Protocol. Difference between OSI and TCP/IP Model.TCP/IP REFERENCE MODELCOMPUTER NETWORKS.Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services.